Visit to HMP Lincoln Wellbeing Day

This week, we had the privilege of participating in Lincoln Prison's Wellness Day—an event that brought a refreshing break to the dedicated staff and close partners who make a difference every day.

The atmosphere was lively as the prison staff and close partners embraced the opportunity to step out of their usual roles and let loose. It was a beautiful sight to witness everyone shedding their uniforms, if only for a short while, and embracing their fun side. Laughter echoed through the air, creating an environment of pure joy.

What made this day truly special was the chance to connect with the prison staff on a personal level. Beyond the uniforms and professional roles, we got to learn about their day-to-day lives, aspirations, and the stories that define them as individuals. It was an invaluable reminder that behind every uniform is a person with a unique journey, and being able to hear those stories was a privilege.

The wellness treats added an extra layer of bliss to the day. Students from Lincoln College offered Indian Head Massages, providing a moment of relaxation and self-care for the staff. Other companies also joined in, offering freebies and engaging activities. The raffle had some amazing prizes that had been donated to them, that gave an extra sense of community for the ones who deserved it.

And let's not forget the festive feast that awaited everyone. With a Christmas theme, the spread featured mouthwatering turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sandwiches. This added to the festive spirit of the day, allowing everyone to savour the flavours of the season together.

We loved hearing that the Prison staff remembered receiving our #CookiesForHeroes sent back in October 2023, and hearing they genuinely appreciated them. These individuals work tirelessly, day in and day out, to provide everyone with a secure and protected environment to call home. It's our way of acknowledging and celebrating the dedication of those who consistently go above and beyond.

Being part of Lincoln Prison's Wellness Day was more than just an event; it was a celebration of the behind-the-scenes uniforms, a day to appreciate and honour those who make a difference in our community.

MSG Summary

Did you know? Prison staff are eligible for our discounts!