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Motor Source ESFL 2024 Champions

Teams from Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue, and London Fire Brigade have been crowned this season’s champions in the Motor Source ESFL in the women’s league, men’s open age and veterans leagues.

Sweetening the Deal: Cookies for Heroes

Motor Source Group Launches Heartwarming Campaign to Celebrate our Police, NHS, Prison Service, Fire & Rescue Services, Military, and Teachers.

Sixways Stadium to host the next Motor Source ESFL Finals

An exciting announcement from the Motor Source ESFL this week as the date and venue for 2023/24 season finals was confirmed as Sixways Stadium on Saturday 8th June 2024.

On Tour at the Emergency Services Show

Find out what our team got up to at the Emergency Services Show: an annual blue light sector event, which brings together over 500 companies and organisations.

Registration is now open for the 2021/22 Motor Source Emergency Services Football League!

Officially sanctioned by the FA, the Motor Source Emergency Services Football League is the only nationwide football competition that brings together our Emergency services in a competitive, flexible Football league.

Proud title sponsors of the Motor Source Emergency Services Football League.

The ESFL (Emergency Services Football League) brings together the emergency services of the UK in a competitive, flexible league – the only one of its kind in the UK. Motor Source Group are proud to be title sponsors of this league, working to improve the health and wellbeing of those serving in the UK’s emergency services.

Emergency transport receives a boost with Fire Service Kodiaqs

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service has taken delivery of 12 Skoda Kodiaqs, reports Iain Robertson, that will be assigned to on-call fire officers, whom are serving over half-a-million people in the Warwickshire area.

Vauxhall’s soft-roader gains Fire Service approval

Obtaining the commensurate vehicles for special purposes can be a tough requirement but, as Iain Robertson discovers, Vauxhall’s PSA-derived SUV can meet the demands of one major authority in SW England.

Cleveland Fire Brigade signs up Skoda Octavia Scout

Recognising the value of a go-almost-anywhere drivetrain, allied to renowned reliability and a first-rate driving experience, reports Iain Robertson, has led to yet another emergency service placing a large order with Skoda for its regional duties.